
Daniel Overdorf grew up in the mountains of eastern Tennessee and southern West Virginia, where he experienced the value of the blue-collar work ethic, the wonder of Appalachian storytelling, and the joy of being raised in the home of a preacher who loves the church with all his heart. These early influences continue to shape his perspectives of life and ministry.
He graduated from Johnson University, then spent the next ten years ministering with churches in Illinois and Georgia. In the meantime, he earned a Master of Divinity from Lincoln Christian Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. At Gordon-Conwell, he had the joy of studying for four years under Haddon Robinson. Robinson's influence significantly shaped Overdorf's philosophy and approach to homiletics, both as a preacher and as a professor.
Since 2005, he has taught preaching and directed the preaching programs at Johnson University in Knoxville, Tennessee. In 2024, he will become the university's eighth president. He has been married to his lovely and gifted wife, Carrie, for twenty-nine years. They have three children.
He enjoys watching college sports, playing golf and basketball, and writing.
His books include:
Preaching: A Simple Approach to the Sacred Task
A Death Well Lived: A Novel
One Year to Better Preaching: 52 Exercises to Hone Your Skills
Rediscovering Community: What the Bible Says About the Church
Applying the Sermon: How to Balance Biblical Integrity and Cultural Relevance
Ministering to Your Minister.
Additionally, he has written numerous articles and blogs for online and print magazines and journals.